Differential Privacy for Frequency Analysis of Software Traces

This is the guide for building and running the artifact, and reproducing the experimental results described in the evaluation of Chapter 4 and Chapter 5.

Code Structure

The project is a Gradle project.



Clone the repository

$ git clone https://github.com/presto-osu/dp-trace-freq.git
$ cd dp-trace-freq

Download the dataset

Download and extract traces.tar.gz to dp-trace-freq/:

$ wget https://github.com/presto-osu/ecoop21/releases/download/dataset/traces.tar.gz
$ tar -xzvf traces.tar.gz

The dataset is in the directory named traces. For each app evaluated in the paper, there’s a sub-directory in it which contains 1000 low-level traces for 1000 users simulated using monkey. Each low-level trace is a sequence of “Enter” and “Exit” events for methods, where each method is denoted by a unique ID. Our experiments are conducted using these low-level traces. Specifically, the traces referred to by the paper, i.e., call chains and enter/exit traces, are parsed from the low-level traces. Besides the low-level traces, there’re also three other files in each sub-directory: callpairs contains the calling relationship between methods; v contains the number of methods of the app; and list contains the name of trace files.


Before running the experiments, make sure you build the project first using the following commands:

$ cd code
$ ./gradlew shadowJar


Instead of running the analyses by invoking the java command, we provide some wrapping scripts run.sh, run_config_rows.sh, and run_batch.sh for convinience. The instructions for reproducing the results are based on the scripts. Here’s the description about how to use run.sh for the experiments in Chapter 4. Usage of run_config_rows.sh and run_batch.sh is similar.

The fisrt two parameters have to be set at the beginning.

Parameter Description
APP_LIST Required. Has to be set first. The list of app names separated in spaces and in quotes.
NUM_OF_RUNS Required. Has to be set second. The number of times to repeat the run.
-dir PATH Required. The path to the trace dir.
-rep VALUE Optional. # of replication per user. E.g., -r 10 means 10000 users. Default is 1, i.e., 1000 users.
-protect VALUE Required. The precentage of traces to be protected. E.g. -protect 50 means 50% will be procted.
-hot Optional. By default, the presence of traces is hidden. To choose to hide the hotness, use this flag.
-epsilon VALUE Optional. Value for the privacy budget. Default is 1.0.
-enter Optional. If set, run the program on enter/exit traces. By default, the program runs on call chains.
-depth VALUE Optional. The depth limit of traces. Default is 100.
-rows VALUE Optional. The number of rows in count sketch. Default is 256.
-col-multiply VALUE Optional. To increase the number of columns in count sketch by VALUE times. Default is 1.

Example: The following command runs the call-chain analysis for drumpads and barometer on 1000 users for 3 times, using ε=2.0 and protecting 50% presence:

$ bash run.sh 'drumpads barometer' 3 -dir ../traces -protect 50 -epsilon 2.0

Run on all apps The file apps contains the list of all the apps evaluated in the paper. To run the experiments on all the apps, pass "`cat apps`" as the first paramter when invoke the script.

Save the result To save the result printed by the experiments to a file, append ` | tee FILE_PATH` to the command.

Reproducing The Results in Chapter 4

To reproduce the results presented in the evaluation section of Chapter 4. Run the following commands.

$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 25 -epsilon 0.5 | tee output_cc_presence_pr25_ep0_5.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 25 -epsilon 1.0 | tee output_cc_presence_pr25_ep1_0.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 25 -epsilon 2.0 | tee output_cc_presence_pr25_ep2_0.txt

$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 50 -epsilon 0.5 | tee output_cc_presence_pr50_ep0_5.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 50 -epsilon 1.0 | tee output_cc_presence_pr50_ep1_0.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 50 -epsilon 2.0 | tee output_cc_presence_pr50_ep2_0.txt

$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 75 -epsilon 0.5 | tee output_cc_presence_pr75_ep0_5.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 75 -epsilon 1.0 | tee output_cc_presence_pr75_ep1_0.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 75 -epsilon 2.0 | tee output_cc_presence_pr75_ep2_0.txt

$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 25 -epsilon 0.5 -hot | tee output_cc_hotness_pr25_ep0_5.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 25 -epsilon 1.0 -hot | tee output_cc_hotness_pr25_ep1_0.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 25 -epsilon 2.0 -hot | tee output_cc_hotness_pr25_ep2_0.txt

$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 50 -epsilon 0.5 -hot | tee output_cc_hotness_pr50_ep0_5.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 50 -epsilon 1.0 -hot | tee output_cc_hotness_pr50_ep1_0.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 50 -epsilon 2.0 -hot | tee output_cc_hotness_pr50_ep2_0.txt

$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 75 -epsilon 0.5 -hot | tee output_cc_hotness_pr75_ep0_5.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 75 -epsilon 1.0 -hot | tee output_cc_hotness_pr75_ep1_0.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 75 -epsilon 2.0 -hot | tee output_cc_hotness_pr75_ep2_0.txt

$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 25 -epsilon 0.5 -enter -depth 20 | tee output_eet_presence_pr25_ep0_5.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 25 -epsilon 1.0 -enter -depth 20| tee output_eet_presence_pr25_ep1_0.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 25 -epsilon 2.0 -enter -depth 20| tee output_eet_presence_pr25_ep2_0.txt

$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 50 -epsilon 0.5 -enter -depth 20| tee output_eet_presence_pr50_ep0_5.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 50 -epsilon 1.0 -enter -depth 20| tee output_eet_presence_pr50_ep1_0.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 50 -epsilon 2.0 -enter -depth 20| tee output_eet_presence_pr50_ep2_0.txt

$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 75 -epsilon 0.5 -enter -depth 20| tee output_eet_presence_pr75_ep0_5.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 75 -epsilon 1.0 -enter -depth 20| tee output_eet_presence_pr75_ep1_0.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 75 -epsilon 2.0 -enter -depth 20| tee output_eet_presence_pr75_ep2_0.txt

$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 25 -epsilon 0.5 -hot -enter -depth 20| tee output_eet_hotness_pr25_ep0_5.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 25 -epsilon 1.0 -hot -enter -depth 20| tee output_eet_hotness_pr25_ep1_0.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 25 -epsilon 2.0 -hot -enter -depth 20| tee output_eet_hotness_pr25_ep2_0.txt

$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 50 -epsilon 0.5 -hot -enter -depth 20| tee output_eet_hotness_pr50_ep0_5.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 50 -epsilon 1.0 -hot -enter -depth 20| tee output_eet_hotness_pr50_ep1_0.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 50 -epsilon 2.0 -hot -enter -depth 20| tee output_eet_hotness_pr50_ep2_0.txt

$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 75 -epsilon 0.5 -hot -enter -depth 20| tee output_eet_hotness_pr75_ep0_5.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 75 -epsilon 1.0 -hot -enter -depth 20| tee output_eet_hotness_pr75_ep1_0.txt
$ bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 30 -dir ../traces -protect 75 -epsilon 2.0 -hot -enter -depth 20| tee output_eet_hotness_pr75_ep2_0.txt

To plot the figures, run the following:

$ python3 plot_ne.py
$ python3 plot_hh.py

Reproducing The Results in Chapter 5

To reproduce the characterization study on the number of rows in count sketch (Section 5.1), change the parameters for sketch size.

# This example shows how to set the number of rows as 128 and increase the number of columns by 2 so that the overall size is fixed.
bash run.sh "`cat apps`" 5 -dir ../traces -protect 50 -epsilon 2.0 -rows 128 -col-multiply 2

To run the experiments for the refinement of configuration of rows, use run_config_rows.sh. The parameters are same as run.sh except that -rows and -col-multiply are not needed. E.g.

bash run_config_rows.sh "`cat apps`" 5 -dir ../traces -rep 10 -protect 50 -epsilon 2.0

To run the experiments for the refinement of batched users, use run_batch.sh. The parameters are same as run.sh. E.g.

bash run_batch.sh "`cat apps`" 5 -dir ../traces -rep 10 -protect 50 -epsilon 2.0